Snap Ring

About this product

The Snap Ring (#90520-21023), a Drive-Chassis part in the Steering Column & Shaft system, plays a vital role in maintaining the stability and alignment of various components. This small yet formidable part is installed within the mechanism to secure other components in place, preventing them from moving or slipping out under normal or extreme driving conditions. As with any mechanical part, the Snap Ring (#90520-21023) is prone to wear and tear and may require periodic replacement. If left unchecked, a worn out or broken Snap Ring (#90520-21023) can compromise the vehicle's steering system, potentially leading to a loss of control. By opting for genuine Toyota parts, vehicle compatibility is well-maintained. Additionally, Toyota backs these parts with a robust warranty. In conclusion, by ensuring the integrity of the steering system, the Snap Ring (#90520-21023) ultimately contributes to the overall safety and efficiency of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 90520-21023

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